颂子园 | 酒包装设计

神农溪脉 · 颂子园酒

    神农架是世界中纬度地区唯一保存完好的绿色宝地,堪称“华中屋脊”,被世人誉为 “物种基因库"、"天然动物园和“绿色宝库”,神农溪自远古时代流淌至今,甘冽清澈最佳水质。颂子园酒,产于湖北神农架神农溪脉,选用优质纯粮为原料,秉承固态发酵传统工艺潜心酿造。原酒窖储时间久,酒体经过自然老熟,其品质具有浓香突出,柔绵醇香,回味悠长,空杯留香空杯留香持久等风格特征。也是不可多得的宴请送礼佳品!

    Shennongjia is the only well preserved green treasure trove in the mid latitude region of the world, which can be called the "Roof of Central China". It is known as the "species gene bank", "natural zoo", and "green treasure trove" by the world. Shennongjia Creek has been flowing since ancient times, with sweet, clear, and the best water quality. Songziyuan liquor is produced in the Shennongjia Shennong River in Hubei Province, using high-quality pure grains as raw materials and adhering to the traditional solid-state fermentation process. The original wine cellar has been stored for a long time, and the body of the wine has naturally aged. Its quality features strong aroma, soft and mellow aroma, long aftertaste, and long-lasting aroma in an empty cup. It is also a rare feast and gift giving gift!





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